Thursday, August 27, 2009

Polo, Anyone?

Polo has always been one horse sport that seemed too distant, beyond the reach of most horse people that I knew. Recently, I've been very fortunate to meet a few members of a local polo club that totally erased that dated thinking, and spent a terrific evening with them this week trying to get the hang of this dynamic sport. I'm looking forward to going out to another one of their practices, now that I have an idea of how the game actually works.

The polo ponies themselves are exceptional animals, extremely athletic and the valued ones are very "into" the game. The rules are basically written to protect the horses, and it's exciting to know that this type of horse sport seems to be growing in popularity and finding it's own place among grass roots horsemen.


Acadia Shelties said...

I played field hockey in high school and I have always loved horses. I thought that Polo would be a great sport- field hockey on horseback, but I have really never seen it played. The pictures make it look like fun.

lonfrichuk said...

Great photos Bren! I've seen Polo up close and personal and this really captures the intensity!