Updates on Our Hopefuls
This past weekend was the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Detroit Specialty show, one that I rarely miss but don't often have an entry. I was delighted when Michelle Rogowski (Cassbar Shelties) decided to bring our co-owned youngster, MBPIG Ch Anamchara Prototype - "Kane" (also co-owned with Cynthia Charbonneau, Cynchar Shelties)for the show. I had entered his 9 month old sister "Kendall", BPIS Ch Anamchara Jacquard and our newly pointed 7 month old Anamchara Animal House, "Rush", so it promised to be a fun weekend. The youngsters all did very well, taking first or second in their respective classes, and being pulled for Winners, so it was a very successful weekend. The show is always a lot of fun, and the club does an outstanding job. I'm already looking forward to next year!Thanks to Michelle, we were able to get some updated photos of the kids."Kane", MBPIG Ch Anamchara Prototype (GrCh Rosmoor Protocol X Ch Chelson's Satin Image).

"Kendall", BPIS Ch Anamchara Jacquard.
"Rush", Anamchara Animal House (Am/Can Ch GrandGables The Frat Boy X Am/Can Ch Shaydeechase Girl Interrupted).

Very nice youngsters, Brenda. I hope to see them at the shows myself (at least Kendall and Rush).
Really really like Rush, and Kendall, very nice Brebda!! Love the Frat Boy kids.
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